Sunday 23 December 2007

Christmas Holidays is Here!

Hey people, BG and I will be taking around a week and a half from the blog. I'll be on family vacation in Osaka for the next few days and then be back in Hong Kong; BG already has plans with friends packed for the holidays. Anyways, I know BG already did a post on affordable posts yesterday, but here is a list of presents that I want and I'm sure most of you would love as well, (mind you, not all

Friday 21 December 2007

Affordable Christmas Gift Ideas

Now that the holiday season is upon us in full force, so is the time for last minute Christmas shopping. Thats right, we cannot prolong it anymore. Typically the gifts we have left to buy are for those who already have everything they want (that we can afford anyway). So what else is there left to buy them? Well, here are some ideas:Something pretty and cute, like these floral knit ear warmers

Wednesday 19 December 2007

I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses VI: FCUK

This season, I have really liked FCUK's selection of dresses. They have a fantastic selection of shift dresses (basically like a huge T-shirt,) which are young, sparkly and trendy. I liked them so much that I've been to French Connection more than to any other high street store this season and tried on most of their dresses in store. The last time I went to the FCUK shop in Covent Garden, all the

Tuesday 18 December 2007

ANTM Cycle 9- Spoiler!

For once I actually managed to watch the ANTM finale without knowing who actually won. It was that much more exciting and fun to watch. So yes, I am now going to talk about the finale and who won etc etc. Don't say I didn't warn you! Overall, I thought the quality of girls this season was better than the last and that they were in general more likeable. There was really nothing much to complain

Monday 17 December 2007

Underarm Sweat Sheets

Silk clothes are all the rage these days. Silk is great in that it makes your clothing, whether its from a high-street store or a designer shop, look expensive and sleek. Another great thing about silk is that it really lets bold colours (another trend this year) really shine out. But one really annoying thing about silk clothes is that you can't just throw it into the washing machine, or even

Saturday 15 December 2007

The Thing about Louboutins

Out of all the super designer footwear brands out there like Manolos and Jimmy Choos, my favourite is Christian Louboutins. I really want to be able to say that I love them all, but I've been to the stores and tried them on and to be honest, I've never really seen anything at the Jimmy Choo store that I really wanted to try on. As for Manolos, physically the designs don't look too special either.

Friday 14 December 2007

I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses V: Coloured Tights

One positive thing about spending the holidays back in Hong Kong is the temperature -it's cool enough to wear a cute jacket but warm enough to wear skirts and dresses without freezing ones legs. In the past, tights used to mean that it was so cold I had to wear them with my school skirt. But this year, for the first time, I'm actually considering wearing black tights as part of a casual outfit. (

Thursday 13 December 2007

Tiffany Rings

I have a thing for rings. Besides my silver hoop earrings, I think that my next best jewelry investment is my 1837 Tiffany ring. I've had it for around 3 years now and I wear it everyday. It is one of those pretty accessories that matches anything and is perfect for all occasions. It is simple, clean cut and not too overtly Tiffany's (unless you look at it this closely). I love it so much, I even

Tuesday 11 December 2007

FW07: Waistcoats

So waistcoats/vests have been around for a while, but it must be one of those things that grows on you because now that I've seen so many people on the streets and on tv wear it, I really want one! Luckily for me, judging from the Phillip Lim 3.1 (left) and Alice + Olivia (rght) catwalk above, the waistcoat trend is still here with us this season. So I started out looking for one and almost

Monday 10 December 2007

I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses IV: 20's Style Bags

UK's high street stores have been pushing and selling a lot of 20's style this party season. Now for those living in the States, where retailers tend to sell clean-cut clothes, you might not really know how a modern 20's dress looks like. Remember the dress Kate Moss wore to Fashion Rocks this year? Think of a short, non-volume mini-dress; think beads and drop-waist. The two featured above are

Saturday 8 December 2007

Hayden Panettiere for Dooney & Bourke

I have been wanting to rant about how ugly I think Dooney & Bourke bags are for almost as long as we've been blogging, but never got around to doing it. I've only ever seen Dooney bags sold in the States before, so I don't know where else they sell these bags (-shows how much I'm not bothered with this brand.) The first time I was introduced to Dooney bags was from Mischa Barton's ads in Teen

Wednesday 5 December 2007

End of Quarter Shopping Spree!

In celebration of the end of our finals, my roomate and I treated ourselves to a shopping spree downtown and here is what we got:I finally bought the Marc by Marc Jacobs mary janes. They were 30% off PLUS an additional 25%. Bargain!I thought it would be perfect to match this season's cute dresses, like this one above from Aqua. Unfortunately I tried them on together and it seems that the strap

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Mary Janes

Ever since I did that post on cute Vivienne Tam dresses a few months ago, I've been wanting a pair of Mary Jane's! They just look SO perfect with all the pretty short dresses floating around lately. Maybe this makes me a bit late on catching up with the Mary Jane wagon since Miu Miu already had that phase last season on their runway, but better late then never right? So the pair that I've been

I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses III: Sequined Scarves

One of my favourite ways to wear skinny scarves has been to wear it like a tie. (Emphasise on the 'like' -I still haven't figured out how to tie a tie yet even though I have been taught several times.) So recently I was styling and shopping my friend for her pre-graduation party season For her traffic light party, she already had a basic cotton, round-necked, short-sleeved dress. It wasn't a

Monday 3 December 2007

I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses II: Backless Dresses

So I realised I forgot to explain my 'I Dream of a Lifestyle Involving Many Cocktail Dresses' series. Contrary to the timing, the series is not specificly here just because it's party season. It's here because I've been so inspired by Gossip Girl. If you haven't watched the oh-so-addictive Gossip Girl yet, basically, a fabulous event happens every episode and all the gorgeous characters are

Friday 30 November 2007

Fun Cropped Jackets

For something more trendy and fun this season (even though they will be dated after a season and will probably not quite as versatile), here are a few suggestions: Bold Colors: Adds instant oomph! This electric blue (right) is especially hot this season! (Both: Anthropologie) Plaid: Yes, plaid is still hot. Plus, it fits right into the Christmas mood! Here we have the more classic cut crop by J

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Classic Cropped Jackets

One of the investments I am looking to do this season is in a classic cropped jacket that I can wear all the time this fall/winter. As my mom loves to point out, jackets are the best investment because they are the first thing people see you in on the streets and you will probably wear it more than whatever you are wearing inside. So I figured that a smart classic cropped jacket would be a good

Monday 26 November 2007

Midnight Madness

This Thanksgiving I had the quintessential crazy Black Friday experience. In the last few years, I always thought it was a bit of a hoax to get people into the shopping spirit, because having been to Saks and Macy's etc during Black Friday previously, I did not find anything on crazy sale. Turns out I just wasn't shopping at the right place.This year after Thanksgiving dinner, we went online to

Friday 23 November 2007

A Random Black Friday Post

OK, so I don't celebrate Thanksgiving at all, but how I wish the UK did. I am extremely jealous of all the sales the Americans are enjoying over there, although I certainly don't envy the crowds and lines of crazy shoppers that I've read about in the news. Friday's a tiring day for me so this post is going to be a bunch of my completely random observations:In accounting class last week, I looked

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Winter Getaway

Now that the weather is getting cold (its cold, windy and raining in Chicago today....) and the holiday season is officially upon us, its time to plan our winter getaway wardrobe! This holiday I am going to San Diego- I heard its not actually that warm over there, but I have my fingers crossed anyway! Now for wardrobe ideas. The first thing that pops up in mind- DRESSES. Cute summery dresses! And

Monday 19 November 2007

NYC- Festive Displays

Another thing I love about NYC this time of the year is the window displays. They are just sooo classy, pretty and festive! None of those over the top multicolored flashing light bulbs in the shape on Santa pasted onto a building thing we see in some places....Walking down midtown on Fifth Ave, there is this (recently lighted this weekend) star hanging in the middle of the street, which I thought

What do you think of ASOS?

A few weeks ago, I had a party to go to and no new dress to wear. My friend told me to check out, which if you don't know, is a site famous for selling clothes that are 'in the style of x celebrity' and also clothes from a few UK high street brands (like Oasis, French Connection and Mina). So after spending some time on it, I didn't know what to think about it. Because a) ASOS has no

Sunday 18 November 2007

A Cute White Coat

Back in September, I was suddenly very determined to find a casual white coat to have fun with because I was bored of my other coats, which were all black. (Also I'm guessing it was a photo of Ashley Olsen in a white coat from around four years ago that triggered this sudden 'want'. Kind of strange right?) When it comes to shopping under time constraint, I do target-shopping. Which meant that I

Saturday 17 November 2007

Shorts For Winter

The whole shorts + tights + ankle boots thing is a huge trend this season (a follow-up of the super-mini-shorts trend from the summer.) Some magazines even claim it's the new mini-skirt, which I'm not too sure about but I'm a fan of mini-skirts much more than of shorts. Anyways, so I've seen a lot of girls in London wear this trend -at school, in the supermarket, shopping... While I can totally

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Paul and Joe Boots

I know that the main focus of a lookbook of a fashion collection is the clothes, but upon looking at Paul & Joe's latest lookbook, I could not help but stare in fixated horror at the model's feet. Maybe I am just not fashion forward enough, but upon seeing these boots (almost everywhere in the lookbook) all I can think of is ugh!Maybe in a few months (or even weeks) time, I will find them cute

Monday 12 November 2007

Top Ralph Lauren Picks

In anticipation of Ralph Lauren's private sale, which takes effect online this Thursday 9am eastern time through to Monday 19th Nov, I decided to do a little feature on some of my top Ralph Lauren picks this season. I mean, the sales are going to be pretty good, going up to 40% off with an extra 15% off already reduced price items on Thursday by typing in "NOV15", so better make the most of the

Sunday 11 November 2007

Leather Jackets

I have never really had the desire for leather jackets before, because I have always related it to punk, rock n roll and motorcycles- none of which describes me. But lately, with the the mix and matching of rock n girly and layering, I have had a change of mind...and now I really want one! They seem to be everywhere!There is the more classic biker chic kind like this one from Alice + Olivia (left

My Rainy Day Shoes

It's been raining quite often in London in the past two weeks and I just realised that I have no shoes to wear for those rainy days. The only normal shoes that completely cover up my feet I own are my Puma sneakers, which are all white. You can imagine that by the time I got to my class, the front of my sneakers had terrible dark smudges. So I realised I really need a pair of rainy-day shoes.

Thursday 8 November 2007

EBay Store: Trendy Outfitter

I'd like to begin by saying that I have no experience with EBay at all and that I have no idea how this EBay store works, so I make no quality guarantees about what I am about to expound on. But from all accounts and the many reviews this seller has had, it does look pretty reliable and should I ever decide to start using EBay, I think I'd start with this store. So, what made me suddenly so

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Roberto Cavalli at H&M

Whenever I think of Roberto Cavalli, I think of animal prints, lacy tops, corsets, tight and glittery clothes and Victoria Beckham -all glamorously tasteless. Obviously I am not a fan of Roberto Cavalli. I don't care that his recent collection has improved a bit. The Cavalli style imprinted in my brain is still negative. First off, you will notice that practically the whole collection is made of

Tuesday 6 November 2007

A Weekend in NYC

Having wanted to go to NYC for the longest time (I haven't been since I was 4 years ago!), I finally went this weekend. And let me say, it is more awesome than I remember! Besides the usual Times Square, Saks Fifth and Madison, I also managed to visit Barneys, Carnegie Deli's, Korean town, W Hotel and a few other more interesting places....Interesting place no. 1, the New York Palace hotel where

Monday 5 November 2007

FW07 Trend: Ankle Boots II -the Cute Ones

So last Saturday I blogged about the basic ankle boots, the ones that go with almost all outfits. This post is about the cute ankle boots, by that I mean the ones that go with skirts and dresses. V-slit ankle boots are another 'it' thing this season. I didn't like them at first but now I'm seeing their charm. Only wear them with dresses or skirts though, because I suspect the slit would look

Saturday 3 November 2007

FW07 Trend: Ankle Boots I -the Basic Ones

As you may have noticed Barneys Girl and I haven't blogged a lot about fashion trends recently. Mostly, it's because we haven't been particularly inspired. Doesn't it seem like you can wear last FW's clothes and still seem fashionable this season? There is one trend that we have been loving from last season and it continues this season -the ankle boots. I'm not a particularly exciting person and

Thursday 1 November 2007

Dress Shirts- The Trap

The wardrobe staple, dress shirts are essential whether you are trying to achieve the preppy look or you need it for work. And they are literally every. There will be at least one dress shirt type thing in any store you walk in. But when it comes to finding the perfect one, that is when it gets tricky. When I first got into the business of finding a dress shirt, I fell into the trap of buying a

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Before, I didn't really see the need for eyeshadow primers. You see, I bought the Smashbox eyeshadow/lip primer before and it did nothing, absolutely nothing, for me- except maybe reduced the redness of my eyes so then the color appears better. But I can achieve that with a little application of my YSL Touche Elcat. Nevertheless, being the beauty addict that I am, the other day I got the Urban

Tuesday 30 October 2007

Daisy, the Marc by Marc Jacobs Perfume

I'm not a big perfume lover. I spray perfume maybe 10 times a year, usually for nights out. But like most girls, I can't resist browsing at the ever-interesting perfume bottles and sniff all the new scents. There are so many scents that I like, but because of this, I can't possibly buy all the scents I 'like'. Out of all the scents, there's one scent that has grown on me and I have fond memories

Sunday 28 October 2007

Bold Nail Varnish

Having been a devotee of the pale pink/whitish nail varnish for most of my nail varnish wearing life (seriously, I have about 5 bottles of pale pink varnish in slightly different shades), recently I've finally jumped onto the bandwagon of bold (darker) colored nail varnish. I am not exactly sure what go me into it....perhaps its because everyone on TV has it and since I watch so much TV it has

Saturday 27 October 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Having had a stressful few weeks, I decided to treat myself to a day of guilty pleasures. My top guilty pleasure is sleep. And by that I don't mean the usual 8 hours. I mean sleeping for however long and whenever I want. See, I'm not a morning person. Hence I never feel like waking up in the morning. So this morning (afternoon), I woke up late. And then I went for guilty pleasure number 2......

Friday 26 October 2007

Curl Your Lashes

Last year, my routine was just tinted moisturiser and blush (on the days I actually wake up on time). This year, I have officially added eyelash curling as the final step. If you have read any top beauty secret lists in magazines, then you would remember that curling your lashes is always one of them. Curled lashes are supposed to make your eyes look bigger, make you look more awake -basically,

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Vivienne Tam Dresses

I am constantly amazed at my mom's ability to be so up to date with the latest going ons in fashion. Her latest discovery are the trendy dresses at Vivienne Tam. Surprising isn't it? I've always related her style as western with oriental influence and wouldn't exactly call it trendy. So when my mom told me she'd bought me a dress from there, I was like, what?Luckily for me, the dresses over at

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Kate Moss Top Shop AW07 and Christmas Collection

Remember back when the Vogue preview of the Kate Moss Top Shop SS07 collection came out and I was really excited about it? Well, since then I have seen the collection in real life, applauded Photoshop's ability to beautify cheap material and lowered my expectations for the clothes. While I really don't like the idea of Top Shop basically recreating some of Kate's designer wonders from her

Monday 22 October 2007

The Hills Season 3

Season 3 of The Hills is rumoured to be its last season, (because supposedly, Lauren doesn't want cameras to follow her everywhere anymore.) I don't know how many of you watch the Hills or read enough paprazzi to know drama between the characters, but I'm not going to get into it here. Yes, I know the so-called 'reality' isn't quite reality, but sometimes it's just funny watching how dumb and

Saturday 20 October 2007

Cole Haan Shoes

To be honest, I've never felt much for Cole Haan shoes. They were just one of those classic American brands that I keep getting confused with Kenneth Cole. But walking into the store the other day, drawn by the sales sign, I was quite impressed with their shoe collection this season, especially the ones with their Nike Air cushioning feature. This has probably been around for forever, but I just

Friday 19 October 2007

Happy Birthday Barneys Girl!

The big 21 -BG is finally legal worldwide! Here are your virtual presents:To kick off your birthday celebration, the purple Rebecca Taylor dress (left) would be perfect for a fancy dinner and the pink Mint Jodi Arnold dress (right) would be so fab and cute for cocktails! These dresses are short enough to be cute and young, yet not too revealing. Gosh, I want them too!Sexy, basic knee-high boots

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Halloween on the Streets

For more inspiration, I turned to the streets. More specifically, celebs and current pop culture icons. First off are Lindsay Lohan's outfits for Halloween 2006. Her aerobics outfit is not bad. And as for the other one...well I guess it IS Halloween and looking slutty is a prerogative. After all, didn't they say in Mean Girls that Halloween was an excuse for girls to look let their slutty side

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Flared Jeans

For the past year, I've been imagining myself in a pair of plain, black, flared jeans and a simple top. For one thing, flared jeans, in my mind, form part of the going-to-college image. Another thing is, even though I've been favouring the long top and straight/ skinny jeans look in the last year or two, I've got short tops that just don't go well with skinny jeans.But apparently, finding a pair

Monday 15 October 2007

Halloween on the Runway

I've never been much of a dress up for Halloween kind of girl. The last time I did it, I bought a witch hat and put it with the outfit I was wearing- which was a black dress and a denim jacket. Not very inspiring. But since this is my last year of college, I feel like this is my last chance to go all out for Halloween and dress up crazy and everything. With that, I've started to think of what I

Saturday 13 October 2007

Velvet Torch

All summer long, HG and I have been wondering- where does one go to buy nice cheap but chic dresses to go with all the dress trends that have been so popular recently. I mean, dresses aren't quite the cheapest thing on the menu.So the other day when I was shopping at Nordstrom on my way to pick up a baby gift, I passed by the Juniors section and saw a number of cute dresses. Intrigued I took a

Thursday 11 October 2007

Tom Ford Sunglasses

I've never been much of a sunglasses girl. Don't get me wrong, I think they look very cool on celebs and most people around me. But personally, I just don't want to spend 300usd on an accessory that I'm going to use probably 5 times a year, (and then it'll probably go out of season.) Which is why I don't pay much attention to sunglasses in general. That is until I got bored shopping one day, I

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Think Pink

Its Breast Cancer Awareness month everyone, so when shopping- think pink! Here are a few of my favourite "pink" things this month that are both stylish and meaningful:To start off with, there is the new running polo from the Pink Pony Collection at RL. To be honest, I would probably have bought it anyway just because I am a fan of polos and the running polo looks interesting. But now, they've

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup IV

Last Paris Fashion Week SS08 post! Gosh, it's been such a busy time of the year I haven't had the time to blog about as many designers' collections as I would like to, but here are the last few collections.Nina RicciThis is one of the shows we've been all waiting for. Olivier Theyskens totally got my attention when he said the theme was on 'a group of girls you'd see on the street in the early

Monday 8 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week FW07 Wrapup III

Instead of looking at the clothes, for a change, I'm only going to look at the accessories. Admittedly, I don't like Vuitton's new collection and I feel so-so for Miu Miu, but the reason for focusing on accessories is that the accessories are the main selling point to me (and most customers) of these two brands anyways.Louis VuittonOK, for a brand that's supposed to be major bag sellers, these

Friday 5 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup II

Ah Paris. I usually adore it. But somehow this season, it seems that both of my favourite fashion houses has managed to disappoint me :(ChloeMaybe its because I've never really been much of a fan of Marni even at its height, and thus I fail to appreciate Paulo Melim's efforts over at Chloe. I can see a shadow of the effortlessly chic Chloe girl who was, but its like she has been buried in too

Thursday 4 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup I

Paris! Exciting week this is. I know some of you aren't fans of fashion shows (or the posts) but I really do need to blog about the shows to let my brain sort out what trends will be coming up. Besides, sometimes it's nice to just stare at pretty clothes...BalenciagaAh, the show we've all been waiting for. This season is all about the flower prints on Balenciaga's bold silhouette. Truth is, when

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Hair Serum

Shiny smooth hair. The best accessorie a girl can have. How do we achieve it? Well, we've been told (and I'm sure all of you have too) that hair serum does the trick by adding shine and de-frizzing, to create a shiny sheen of hair. But how many of you have actually achieved the perfectly shiny and smooth hair look simply by applying hair serum to damp hair and letting it air dry? I know I haven't

Monday 1 October 2007

Milan Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup III

Phew, I'm tired. I spent the whole day shopping on Michigan Avenue today and ended with a Ruth Chris' dinner -lots of fun! Anyways, last post about this round of Milan shows... Gucci For me, this season's Gucci was a mix of hits and misses. Some outfits were really sleek and gorgeous, while others were just terrible. If there is anything we should learn from this show, it is the makeup -Check out

Saturday 29 September 2007

Gucci Shades

As hard as I try, I can't seem to get over my love for the giant plastic framed shades. Everytime when I think I've found the perfect pair that would last me a lifetime, I find a new pair that is more perfect than the last. And the thing is, they're all basically huge shades with plastic frames!So I am perfectly aware that this will probably not be the last time I utter this sentence, but I swear

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Milan Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup II

Sorry this post is late! I spent the last many hours getting to Chicago (first time here!) and am now jet-lagged (slept too much on the planes.) Thank goodness for the new runway photos -this season's Milan shows are definitely more exciting than last season's shows! PradaWow. After last season's collection of heavy artificial materials, this season's sheer, flowy clothes is a great change. The

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Milan Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup I

And we are off to Milan! Sigh, it seems just like yesterday I was walking along via Della Spiga, passing by the huge Armani building and breathing it all in. Anyways, back to the runway. Lets start with the most Italian of them all......Gorgio ArmaniInspired by the languid sensual summers of Southern Italy, this collection had a much more relaxing and casual touch than Armani's usual sleek, sharp

Monday 24 September 2007

FW07 Trend: Blue Eye Shadows

The ballots are in. All the make-up houses agree. Blue is the shade this season. As one of their new fall looks, Mac came out with this Blue Storm look. Created with their new Matte² highly pigmented eye shadow, you can tell from the look above that the effect is very intense. This would be perfect for a dramatic look for a night out. Personally though this is a bit too much for my taste.Laura

Saturday 22 September 2007

London Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup III

London Fashion Week's finished. Now all the fashion people are in Milan, but here are a few more London collections. On Thursday, BG talked about how she liked the Matthew Williamson and Erdem collection. I'm going to blabber on a bit how I don't quite love some of the collections: (Please note that this is just my taste. I'm in no way saying these designers have no talent!)House of HollandSo

Thursday 20 September 2007

London Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup II

As HG pointed out, London fashion week is always fun to look at, but a great pain for those of us who want to try and imitate the look. Or maybe that is just me...But anyway, lets look. Matthew WilliamsonMatthew's show is one that I always love to check out every season, because one can be sure that it is going to look fun and colorful. This season is no different. The clothes are colorful, fun,

Wednesday 19 September 2007

London Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup

Woo it's London Fashion Week! LFW is always more of a fun, just-for-looking week of photos for me, but the clothes are always so young and creative, (though argueably and unfortunately not as practical and commercial.) LuellaEven though I don't remember ever seeing Luella's clothes in real life before, I've always love the Luella vibe -that preppy, punk, fun vibe. This Luella collection, to me,

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Classic Burberry Trenches

Ahh the trench coat. The wardrobe staple that every chic girl in town has that never goes out of style and is perfect with everything, over jeans, suits, skirts and dresses. My friend had one last year when we were studying abroad in Europe and she wore it all the time for everything- perhaps beside a jaunt on a paddling boat in the river at Versailles where we could've possibly capsized- but

Monday 17 September 2007

Emmy Awards Fashion 2007

Like the usual award ceremonies, all the actresses looked fabulous. But it's not often I feel that majority of the dresses worn were genuinely pretty like this time. All over the Internet, websites have Katherine Heigl as their front photo. Honestly, while I thought Katherine Heigl looked stunning (as usual) I just think she looked kind of like how she did in the past numerous ceremonies that she

Saturday 15 September 2007

New York SS08 Fashion Week Wrapup IV

I've always thought that SS08 was a loooooong time away. And yet, here I am writing about the ins and outs of SS08 fashion already. YIKES! That means graduation and the real world cannot be far behind! On the bright side, I guess I can start getting some ideas on the oh-so-important question of what to wear to graduation... Anyway, back to the fashion shows:Zac PosenI can't BEGIN to comprehend

Thursday 13 September 2007

School Bags 2007

I feel like I've written this post before, but school bags just seems to be one of those topic that no one ever gets tired of. Probably because we're all always on the lookout for that perfect bag that is stylish yet still practical for daily wear, and the definition of stylish changes every season. So lets start. Luckily for my wallet, my tastes and definition of style varies little over

Wednesday 12 September 2007

New York SS08 Fashion Week Wrapup III

New York Fashion Week is over! OK, so instead of going through a few shows like I usually do, I'm picking the outfits that I liked from Marc by Marc and Philosophy. Why those two collections? Not because they are particularly directional or Nina-Ricci-stunning, but because they are contemporary, young and affordable (if you only buy a few pieces.)Marc by Marc JacobsI think this is the first Marc

Tuesday 11 September 2007

New York SS08 Fashion Week Wrapup II

More about NY Fashion Week...Marc JacobsWoah, this collection was a bit unexpected. I've always imagined a lot of Marc Jacobs' normal typical clients liked cute, funky and clean-cut clothes, which is why this collection of sexed-up clothes surprised me. I'm not really loving the underwear theme or the random slits up the skirt or belly-baring tops, but a lot of individual outfits were pretty cool

Monday 10 September 2007

Miu Miu: Satchel in Nudo

So this Miu Miu bow bag has probably been overblogged by now. But in the last few weeks, I can't help but feel that I am seeing it absolutely everywhere. Maybe its because I've had it for a year now and I just become more alert when I see it (like when I become instantly alert when I hear the msn alert tone), though this has only been a recent phenomena. So the first thing I'd like to conclude is

Saturday 8 September 2007

White Eye Liners

So now that it is the end of SS07 (where did my summer go?), I finally got around to testing out the white eye liners on the market, following the white eye liner trend this season. And judging from the recent catwalk shows, I'd say that finding a good one would be a good long term investment.First I tried the white Mac eye liner, since I loved the black one so much. The effect was... not that

Thursday 6 September 2007

New York SS08 Fashion Week Wrapup I

It's fashion week! OK so I'm not totally excited about NY Fashion Week because few shows there are actually directional or gorgeous, but it is nice to look at new, modern clothes. BCBG Max AzriaI never used to care much for BCBG until this summer's visit to LA, I realised that BCBG sells really useful, pretty, contemporary clothes that are affordable. This season's BCBG seems a bit inspired by

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Digital Cameras Fall 2007

Admittedly I only got my last camera, the ixus i zoom not that long ago. But recently, I've been feeling the need for a change. I am tired of the limits of my camera. The quality of the pictures are never good enough and it never captures the moment. They boosted up the pixels, but the minimal functions of the camera does not complement the upgrade. And so, I've been back on the market for a

Tuesday 4 September 2007

FCUK FW07-08

FCUK kicking off this season, I would like to gush about the new FW07-08 FCUK collection. Once again they have exceeded my expectations for them and turned out some very pretty and trendy looking clothes this season. The ads actually makes me look forward to fall/winter, evoking images of ladylike elegance, sophistication and a hint of fun and funk. LOVE the whole look here, the hair, purple

Monday 3 September 2007

New FW07 Layout

Hey people. It's our bi-annual layout changing day again! If you've been a reader of ours for more than a year, you would probably know that we change our layout on every 1st March and 1st September. Usually we're really on time with changing the layout, but this time, we weren't both at home at the end of August. (I went to the States and BG worked full time.) We really tried to do it in advance

Friday 31 August 2007

Prada Vernice Sfumata Pump

Prada's accessories are always one of the first brands I look at in's accessories preview. Afterall, Prada's accessories are always the sales force behind the brand and they're usually copied by all the other high street brands (thus Prada's accessories almost always form part of the new trends.) The first time I saw this season's Prada's shoes, I thought err... I hated the gradient

Thursday 30 August 2007

HG's LA Trip II

After yesterday's not-too-positive post about LA's food, I'll move onto LA's shopping today! I stayed at Beverly Wilshire so the place I went everyday was Rodeo Drive. Before going I wasn't really enthusastic about Rodeo Drive because I thought it was just going to be another designer name-packed street which will be like all the other places I usually go to (-Hong Kong, London etc.) I was right

Wednesday 29 August 2007

HG's LA Trip I

Today I just wanted to give everyone a quick look at my LA trip. Last week, I stayed in LA for a week suppsedly helping my sister move into USC. (OK I wasn't much help carrying her stuff nor did I attend the orientation but whatever.) First off, I just want to say how boring LA's sightseeing spots were. The Walk of Fame, Kodak Theatre, Lady something catherdral thingy, the Hollywood sign etc. -

Teen Choice Awards 2007 Fashion

Hey people, so sorry for the uber late posts. I'm at my aunt's house in San Francisco at the moment and the internet connection is sort of wacky here. (Thankfully BG posted for me yesterday!) I'll talk about last week's LA in the next two days, but first, the Teen Choice Awards! OK, so the fashion there was so boring and uninspiring that I wasn't even going to blog about it but staying in the

Tuesday 28 August 2007

Paul and Joe Beaute: Autumn 2007

First of all, I'd like to say that I am by no means impressed by the quality of Paul & Joe make-up. But I AM very impressed by their packaging. It never fails to make me want to buy everything. I suspect that this is their selling point. Their autumn collection, Dear Diary collection, is no exception. They have a very touching story to go with this collection, something about shades that will

Saturday 25 August 2007

Beach Party Wear

This weekend I went to a beach party that goes from day to night and onwards into the next morning. Personally, I've never been to a huge beach bash before (I can't even remember the last time I stepped foot on a beach), so I was actually really excited to go. I imagined it to be similar to the beach party scene in Princess Diaries, minus the public humiliation bit of course. As the date

Thursday 23 August 2007

The DvF Wrap Dress

Everyone knows about the Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress. Everyone who loves fashion anyway. It is the legendary dress that is perfect for all occasions, from work to shopping to dinner to a night out. I have always coveted one, but thought that they were a bit too old for my age and out of my price range. Besides, what makes it so different from say, wrap dresses one finds at Top Shop, that is

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Shiseido Maquillage Neo Climax Lip

A year ago, I've decided to abstain from buying any lip-related makeup products because I hardly ever apply anything other than lip balm on my lips -lipstick always seems too mature to me and lip gloss never seems to stays put for more than 15 minutes. (Anyone else feels the same?) But while I was waiting for the makeup lady at a Shiseido shop to try on eyeshadow on my mum, I got bored and looked

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Buberry Scarves FW06-07

Burberry seems to be getting that we're all a bit over the classic plaid scarf. One can only have so many plaid scarves in multiples colors after all. And who wants to risk clashing with everyone other person on the street anyway? This season, they've come up with some pretty ingenious scarves. So much so in fact, that I've made this sparkly Burberry scarf my first FW06-07 purchase. I figured it

Monday 20 August 2007

FW07 Ads: Back To Classics

For fashionholics, one of the funnest thing about flipping through Sept. issues of magazines are the new FW07 ads. As we all know, magazine ads usually focus on marketing products from the seasonal collection, especially the 'it' bags. All the products come from one collection and have a common theme. But interestingly this season, Prada and Louis Vuitton, both huge bag sellers, have dedicated

Sunday 19 August 2007

Avril Lavigne Concert 2007

Yesterday HG and I went to the Avril Lavigne concert in Hong Kong. We were both very excited because we've been listening to her since Complicated back in high school and we really like her music. Even though her new CD doesn't quite measure up to her last and at first I did not even like it, the catchiness of the tunes eventually grew on me after a few replays. Its just the kind of music that

Thursday 16 August 2007

My US Shopping List

I'm off to my annual San Francisco (plus LA this time) trip this Sunday and I'm now in the process of researching about LA and compiling my shopping list. One reason why I love going to the States once a year is that there are certain brands or products that are only available in the States or are cheaper there. I love making lists so here is what I have so far:Even though there are Urban

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Blemish Concealer

10 days ago I made the grave mistake of squeezing a blackhead on my cheeks. You'd think that I'd know by now after reading countless beauty magazines the beauty commandment that thou shalt not squeeze your pimples/blackheads by yourself. But this time I really couldn't resist since it feels like that blackhead has been there forever and no matter how much I exfoliate it didn't look like it was

Tuesday 14 August 2007

A Big, Roomy Messenger Bag

My favourite trend from SS07 (which I assume will carry onto FW07) is big messenger bags that double as handbags. They are SO useful and cool. I'm on summer holiday at the moment so I've been able to use my non-school-bags. I haven't bought a bag since last summer so I've hit a bag dry spell. Luckily, my mum bought a few bags for herself and I managed to 'borrow' her Marni balloon bag. I'm

Monday 13 August 2007

Office Fashion: Dresses

Having been in my black suit "uniform" for a month now, I am ready for something different. Something a little more girlier and fun, but still suitable.Rummaging through my closet, I came up with my Ralph Lauren shirt dress this summer. I've always thought it was a bit formal for everyday casual wear (though I wear it anyway), but now thinking about it for work, it just seems too casual. Kind of

Saturday 11 August 2007

Guys and Skincare

In recent conversations with guy friends, I've noticed that more and more guys use skincare. But right after admitting they use skincare, some people's reactions are like, err but you're a guy! Really people, we're in the 21st century. People in our generation are generally fickle and vain. We're into taking loads of photos every time we go out with our digital cameras that have ever-increasing

Thursday 9 August 2007

The Most Expensive Handbags

You'd think that the birkins of the world were already expensive enough, but no, savvy designers just keep on coming up with even more extravagant creations to top the last one. Topping the Forbes list of the most extravagant bags in the world this year was not the Hermes Birkin*gasp*. The honor this time around goes to Chanel (ah the ever business savvy Karl), with this "Diamond Forever" bag

Wednesday 8 August 2007

In Search For a New Facial Scrub

Last summer when I went to the States, I bought a bottle of Peter Thomas Roth's well-known Botanical Buffing Beads. I've wanted to try it out ever since BG was recommended and bought it at one of our favourite department store (Lane Crawford,) and I figured 10USD for a decent-sized travel size bottle was well worth my money. After using this oh-so-famous facial scrub, I have to say I'm not

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Tory Burch Flats

Catching up with my friend in NYC, she asked me if I'd heard of Tory Burch. I said, "Yes, don't they sell clothes?" since I vaguely remember the brand as one of those frequently shown on the OC. She said, "I think so, I guess it hasn't spread to HK yet, but they sell these flats that is currently all the rage in the States and being the poser that I am- I just got some!" Intrigued since she

Monday 6 August 2007

Colour Up Your Wardrobe

As an over-cautious young shopper, I buy way too much classic/ black and white clothes. Not that there's anything wrong with having a simple, classic style, it's just that we're only young once and this is THE time to experiment with pretty, colourful clothes. Sometimes it's just fun to liven up our wardrobe a bit. With everything on their final final final sale, why not take the oppurtunity to

Saturday 4 August 2007

The Essence of La Mer

The other day I found out that one of my friends worked at La Mer- I got really excited and practically pounced on her with everything I ever wanted to know about beauty products. Like, what are the dress code/make-up codes for various brands? Do you get free samples? How is the quality of the hand cream treatment at La Mer?- I think she got slightly scared by my sudden over enthusiasm :PBut the

Thursday 2 August 2007

SS07 Beauty Trend: Clip The Front Back

Ever since watching the Olsen twins' last movie, New York Minute ages ago, I have started wearing my hair like the way Ashley did in this screenshot occasionally in the summer. (It feels much more like a summer-y hairstyle rather than winter-y doesn't it?) I've always thought of it as an easy, potentially sleek or cute hairstyle. Interestingly, it was the choice of hairstyle on the Versace SS07

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Office Fashion: Suits II

So you know how the last suit post was devoted to one button suit jackets? Well, the lack of variety was because I've felt a sort of negative feeling towards multiple button suits, on women anyway.They just give me the image of being too old and formal, as in above from Brothers and Sisters with the suit the member of the senator's team (sorry I forgot her name) and Sally Field is wearing. They

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Bobbi Brown Nail Polish SS07

Last weekend while the makeup lady at MAC was trying on loads of eye shadow colours on my sister, I wondered over to the Bobbi Brown counter and fell in love with the BB salesgirl's makeup. She had a 'light' (as in not as dramatic as most of MAC's salespeople's makeup,) smokey eye. She proceeded to try it on me but they were out of a certain shimmery, creamy eye shadow base so the eye shadow

Monday 30 July 2007

Office Fashion: Suits I

Ah work clothes. I must say, I've always somewhat dreaded wearing it before- especially business formal. I always thought that it looked more like a uniform, and since my high school uniform, which resembled a prisoner's outfit, I never want to go back to wearing them again. But alas, the real world beckons. So lets take a look into office fashion and start with suit jackets.Suits. The first

Saturday 28 July 2007

2007 Trend: The Slogan Tees

80's styled, bright-coloured slogan tees are 'in' this year. This unfortunate trend was started by House of Holland, which basically makes loads of this kind of tees. I suppose one of the reasons why it caught people's attention was the cheeky slogans about other designers and models, (such as "Do Me Daily Christopher Bailey" and "Wham Bam Thank You Stam" or somthing like that.) I really didn't

Friday 27 July 2007

Revlon Make-Up Eraser Pen

When I first saw the clipping from the magazines for this eye make-up eraser pen, I knew I had to have it. It was like they had read into my mind and knew I was looking for such a product (recall my previous musing on Jane Blog about dabbing a qtip with make-up remover, putting it in my purse and hope it still works later into the night). My friend told me she thought some brands already had such

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Vanessa Bruno FW07 Presentation

Ever since I've noticed the rack of Vanessa Bruno clothes at Lane Crawford (which is like the Barneys of Hong Kong,) I've loved Vanessa Bruno the brand. VB clothes are Parisian chic, cool and classily casual. Plus VB stuff is relatively affordable. It's now a norm for me to get at least one VB item each season. So imagine how excited when Lane Crawford held a little VB FW07 presentation (tonight)

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Smooth Legs

Previously for fear of pain and mess, I've always been satisfied with shaving. Upon seeing the very cool Veet ad for their hair removal cream (with the zig zag thing), I'd also given it a try. Alas, I was sorely disappointed when it only worked half way (ads are SO deceiving). So I went back to shaving. And I was thrilled when they came out with a combination of two of my favourite razors- Venus

Monday 23 July 2007

Thoughts From the Weekend

OK, excuse this very random post. I had lots of little random thoughts over the weekend so I thought I would just group them altogether. First off, I went shopping yesterday and found out that shops are now having their 'Final Sales' (usually 50% off,) so people, this is the time to exert a lot of effort into picking out potential bargains! But remember to never to buy something that isn't up to

Saturday 21 July 2007

Revlon Lash Jewels

The first time I saw the ad for the Revlon Lash Jewel in the mags, I thought, "Wow, they really are starting to run out of ideas. What are they going to come up with next?" Because really, as pretty as the ad looks, why would you want to have drops of crystally things on your lashes. It doesn't really enhance your lashes to make it more dramatic or any longer. In fact, one would imagine that the

Friday 20 July 2007

Tiffany & Co.'s Elsa Peretti® Mesh Earrings

When I graduated from high school, family friends offered or actually gave me various little things from Tiffany & Co., half of which were from the Return to Tiffany's collection. Every girl around me seemed to love the collection and I don't think it was possible for me to walk around the city without seeing at least one girl wearing the braclet or necklace. But honestly, I hated it. Mostly

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Too Short

As much as I've been going on and on about how hot short shorts are recently, there is an occasion when I don't find them so hot. And that is when it is worn by guys. I don't mean to be sexist here, but when it comes to short shorts for guys, there is such a thing as being too short. I thought this was just one of those obvious rules that everyone knows about and adheres to, but apparently not.

Tuesday 17 July 2007

My Dream Shoes ATM: Nude-Coloured Shoes

Ever since Hilary Duff started doing promotion for her CD, there have been more and more photos (paparazzi and at events) of Hilary and I really started to notice her clothes. (Yes, I know she's got a stylist who picks out her outfits with her.) The one item that I've really loved and have been inspired to look out for are nude-coloured pumps.I admit I've never thought of nude-coloured shoes

Monday 16 July 2007

SS07 Trend: Peep Toe Shoes

As I am sure most of you have noticed by now, peep toe shoes are all the rage this season. After many months, I finally hoppped onto the peep toe wagon as well. Not so much because I was thinking about this trend too much, but more because I was waiting for them to go on sale. As most of my friends know, I've been lusting after this pair of Marc by MJ peep toes for MONTHS, because its so simple

Saturday 14 July 2007

Eye Serum Recommendations Please!

During winter, I use a light eye cream every night. But now that it's summer and it's so much easier for my pores to get blocked, I've stopped using any product that is oily. For my eyes, I've switched back to using an eye serum + eye gel routine. The eye gel I'm currently using is the one by Laneige and the eye serum is by La Prairie. The problem is, by little bottle of La Prairie serum is about

Thursday 12 July 2007

The New Seven Wonders of the World

So today I am going to talk about the New Seven Wonders of the World, because fashion is a lifestyle and travelling is definitely a LARGE part of lifestyle-jetsetting! Anyways, on July 7th, the new seven wonders of the world was announced and in no particular order they were:The Great Wall of China: This was definitely on my list when I voted a few months back. And I think its on there for

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Online Window Shopping For On Sale Dresses

Since I've started my summer job (answering phones,) I've stopped shopping and it's making me feel uninspired and sad. So I went onto a bunch of websites to look for dresses -on sale ones of course, since what's the point of shopping for full-priced items now when there are bargains all around you. Here are the dresses I liked: (I actually visited a few other e-stores but nothing else caught my

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Not So Friendly

I knew a few months ago that when I wrote about recycling bags, I knew it was a hot item. I just didn't understand the extent of it until it came out in Hong Kong and Taiwan last Friday. I guess one just don't feel it until it hits closer to home. I even considered going to the store later on that day to "pick one up." Although knowing Asia, I should have known it wouldn't be so easy to get my

Monday 9 July 2007

SS07 Last Call: Gladiator-ish Sandals

Gladiator sandals have been 'in' for the past few summers. But it seems like this may be the last summer gladiators are 'in'. I've never been into gladiator sandals -not because I don't like the design, but because I'm only 5'2" and flat sandals are not at all flattering for short people. However, in my last trip to Top Shop, I got tempted by these silver sandals and finally bought a pair. I've

Saturday 7 July 2007

Bobbi Brown Stonewashed Nudes Palette

As some of you may realize by now, I'm a bit of an eye shadow palette junky- especially Bobbi Brown ones. Its probably because a) I just can't control myself and my love for eye shadow palettes since they look so pretty and b) BB is the beauty counter I visit most often on account of my eyebrow plucking appointments. But thats another story. So anyways, when I found out that they had yet another

Thursday 5 July 2007

Haute Couture FW07 III

Roland MouretI have to admit, when I first saw the subscription email from Net-a-porter announcing that I could watch RM's first runway show online and pre-order the clothes, I wasn't at all excited. I mean ok, the Galaxy dress was huge and looked amazing on the celebs who wore it, but really, it's not like I (or probably most of you out there) has actually worn the Galaxy or have even seen one

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Haute Couture FW07 II

GivenchyKudos to Riccardo Tisci for a fabulous haute couture collection. It only gets better every season. This collection was modern and stylish, with just the right amount of details to make it haute couture. Hm.... I think I said something similar last time about Tisci's haute couture collection must be his style.I was captivated by this collection from the very first outfit (left),

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Haute Couture FW07 I

It's the week of the tres grand and fabulous again! Ever since reading The Beautiful Fall, I now really see take haute couture a bit more seriously, although I still think it a bit as a historical art form. Christian Dior60th Anniversary! It sounds like we're always throwing events like anniversaries more as pr events than actual meaningful events, but this is Christian Dior. A lot of super/ big

Monday 2 July 2007


Lately walking on the streets, I've seen an uncomfortable amount of people wearing these: Yes, by "these," I mean Crocs. There is even a whole colorful store in the best shopping district in Hong Kong devoted to the distribution of these Crocs. I know that Bush has been seen sporting these recently, but he's hardly the icon of fashion and trends now. So WHY would the general population be seen in

Saturday 30 June 2007

Rock the Black Blazer

I love love love blazers. My very first staple outerwear was a black blazer. Although I now realise it was a bit too big on me, my love for blazers never died. I now own other blazers, like a washed-out yellow one and a purple velvet one. But the one I really want is THE perfect black blazer, so I'm on a hunt. Meanwhile, I thought I would share my recent favourite way to wear it. Actually, it was

Thursday 28 June 2007

Chloe Shades SS07

Ever since I saw the latest Chloe shades at Nordstrom back in March, I've been in LOVE with them. They are flattering, girly, fun and most of all different from all the other shades on the streets. And it seems that the stars think so too, as many of them have been spotted wearing them.Ex-OC stars, Mischa Barton and Rachel Bilson wearing the Myrte. Ooo and I LOVE Mischa's jacket. Lindsay Lohan

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Eye Lash Perming

Yesterday evening, BG and I went to do something really girly together -we got our eye lashes permed. For those of you who have never heard people getting their lashes, it's basically getting your eye lashes curled permenantly. Well, permenant for maybe a bit more than one month, but really, that's permenant enough since it's likely your lashes will fall off naturally around that time.The

Tuesday 26 June 2007

SS07 Trend: Printed Shorts

I've never been much of a shorts fan growing up, but I'm currently LOVING my white shiny short shorts from Express. While it is easy to wear and looks awesome though, sometimes I do feel the urge to spice it up a bit. And therein comes the printed shorts!My two favourite printed shorts look from Luella and Biba. These printed shorts adds just the perfect touch to the otherwise very standard tops.

Monday 25 June 2007

The Natural Look

I've always been into the natural look, you know, that made-up-natural-look that has been the trend in recent years (-or at least as long as I've paid attention to fashion and beauty anyways.) And I've always been excellent at applying this look, mainly because I always under-apply the makeup and think that I've applied too much, and also because it's actually quite hard to over-apply

Friday 22 June 2007

Gwen Stefani Sweet Escape Concert 2007

After 6 months of waiting (yes, I bought the tickets as soon as it came out- and yet I still had less than ideal seats....) I FINALLY went to see the Gwen Stefani Sweet Escape concert a few weeks ago in Chicago. I was SOOOO looking forward to it, because after seeing the Cold Play and Maroon 5 concert- which were good but not really as exhilarating as I'd imagined, I decided that I most wanted to

One Of My Random Outfits...

Just wanted to post an outfit I wore for a Friday night out a few weeks ago:Simple black dress from Uniqlo, which I only discovered recently (yes I'm slow,) and visited because I wanted to check out the Phillip Lim for Uniqlo collection but didn't see any when I was there (-so disappointed!) Instead I picked this dress up. The best thing about it is that it's made of cotton, so it's

Thursday 21 June 2007

MAC Brow Clear Finisher

One of my many lazy traits is that I don't like plucking my eye brows too much. Many girls I know pluck them into these perfect and narrow arches, and while that looks great on some people, it just looks so superficial on others. Some of my brow hair is a bit long and they droop down so they make it look like I've got hair under the brows and mess up the arches. One way to deal with this (not

Tuesday 19 June 2007

SS07: Neon Bright Colors on the Street

A few weeks ago I took note of the neon bright colors on the runway. But in reality, how many of us are going to go out dressed like one of those bright orange and yellow road cones? Taking the trend a step down for the streets, we have subtle bits of neon to brighten up solid dark shades, like here at Gucci (left) and Lanvin (right).To be more economical, instead of finding outfits with built in

YSL Costume Jewelry SS07

Awhile ago, I've started to think typical costume jewelry from brand-named stores like Dior and Vuitton as unstylish. Think of those typical jewelry that spell out 'D-i-o-r', (I think I might own one or two myself!) Admittingly, not all are ugly, but I just can't stand how even tiny little jewelry have to be branded so obviously.But as I was going through my old magazines from the last six months

Monday 18 June 2007


Usually the only thing I like about FCUK are their FCUK tshirts, because they're just so cool that way. Definitely an improvement from those vintage coke ad tees. I am still loving my "FCUK in the Windy City" tee. Everything else....I'm only so so about it, I thought it was a bit overpriced for the style ofclothes they are offering. But it seems that while I wasn't looking, FCUK has undergone a

Saturday 16 June 2007

SS07 Trend: Jumpsuits / Playsuits

First off, I don't know the exact name of the garment I'm talking about. Some sites call them jumpsuits (which just reminds me of those orange, jumpsuits from prison,) and other sites call them playsuits (such as Top Shop.) Doesn't matter, I'll just call them jumpsuits here. Actually, they remind me of shirt-dresses, which I just blogged about on Thursday, except jumpsuits' bottoms are shorts

Thursday 14 June 2007

SS07 Trend: Shirt-Dresses

Shirt-dresses have become a summer essential in the past few years. I see it as the less girly version of the other dress trends (like bubble, volume, trapeze, mini or maxi dresses). I've been looking around for one for ages, and even though I still haven't found the perfect one, I've bought one from the Gap (the UK one). It's grey and white striped and it's got rolled-up-looking sleeves. It's

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Gilmore Girls Tribute

Gilmore Girls ended 4 weeks ago *sobs*. Back then I was busy so I didn't have time to write a tribute, but here it is. I first watched Gilmore Girls when it was in its 2nd or 3rd season and since then, it's been my No.1 show. It's a show that's heart-warming, witty, smart, and I really connected with Rory because she went through the same school-related stuff. How many tv shows do you see that

Saturday 9 June 2007

SS07 Trend: Graphic T-Shirt Dresses

Long graphic t-shirt dresses is a combination of the dress trend and the re-newed graphic t-shirt trend. I love this trend -it's casual, summer-y and comfortable. It is literally the most effortless outfit one could walk out of the house in, I mean, it requires even less effort than a T-shirt and jeans combo.I love love the simplicity (but not boring) of the t-shirt dress at Marc Jacobs. Wearing

Thursday 7 June 2007

SS07 Trend: Micro-Shorts

Micro-shorts are one of the big trends this summer. At first I was completely against the idea of micro-shorts -they can easily make one look slutty and overexposed. Another reason why I didn't like micro-shorts was because I don't like high-waisted shorts, which are oh-so-in this season. They remind me of outdated, old-fashioned shorts or bikini bottoms. Plus they're very unflattering. But then

Tuesday 5 June 2007

CFDA 2007

I was going to blog about fashion at the MTV Movies Award, but since I fancied none of the outfits there and the CFDA happened, obviously the CFDA was way more fashion-worthy to blog about. It's a bit iffy that both Oscar de la Renta and Preonza Schouler tied for the Designer of the Year Award, but oh well.First off, two of this year's hostesses were Mary Kate and Ashley. The two brilliant

Saturday 2 June 2007

The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake

I'm usually a fiction-reader, but after reading the description of the book and looking at the beautiful cover (the UK one on the left -yes I care about covers,) I decided to give The Beautiful Fall a try. It took me half a year to get through it, mainly because I stopped a few months during the holidays and exams, and it's also a bit thick and non-fiction.The book is mainly about what it says on

Thursday 31 May 2007

Hole-In-The-Shoulder Tops

During the Easter holidays, I started looking at spring/summer fashion in stores and for some unknown reason, I really got into what I call the 'hole-in-the-shoulder tops'. Maybe it's because I like the look with the sleeves sort of droopy and hanging. It gives the outfit a sort of effortless, casual chic feeling.One brand which is doing these tops is Zucca.These (Zucca) tops are so casual and

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Alexander McQueen For Puma SS07

Hey people, my exams are over and I'm back! OK, now most days, I am all about being practical, walking fast and keeping my feet warm (during winter). And even though I love ogling at gorgeous, trendy shoes, the only footwear I have actually been wearing a lot are my tatty, 5 year old, Addidas-lookalike Sketcher sneakers. Said Sketchers are about to break apart any day now and I have started to

Saturday 26 May 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean III

One of my most anticipated movies of the year, I very excitedly went to see it the first day it was out. And no, I was not one of those people who went to see it at midnight dressed in Pirate costumes. Although I must say, I did see a few on the streets and the effort put into these costumes is to be commended. Anyways, onto the movie (and if you don't want to know what happens next- time to stop

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Ugly Betty Season 1 Finale

One of the hottest tv shows this season, the finale was last Thursday. And boy, has a LOT happened since its premier- I don't even know where to start! But I shall try, so if you don't want to know what happens- don't scroll down! Based at the head of the fashion industry, Mode Magazine, the main character is ironically the most unfashionable person one can imagine- Betty Saurez. At first, I

Tuesday 22 May 2007

SS07: Neon Bright Colors on the Runway

In case you've been in the dark this season, neon bright colors are back. My first reaction to this trend? Eww. . . Having been raised in the 90's, I was taught that neon colors were a fashion faux pas and I've always wondered what my mom was thinking when she bought that electric blue top now sitting in the back of her wardrobe. Turns out, she just had incredible fashion foresight. Neon colors

Thursday 17 May 2007

ANTM Cycle 8- Spoiler!

So I know how annoying it is when you inadverdantly find out who the winner is before you watch the finale- this has happened to me in the past 2 seasons. Last time, my friend casually dropped the bomb in conversation. And this time, I caught a glimpse of it on! ARGH. Anyways- don't say I didn't warn you not to scroll down! Admittedly, this show is getting old. One can only take so much

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Short Shorts in SS07

So it seems that the short shorts from last season have prevailed onto the SS07 catwalk. They are crisper and sharper than ever paired with the softer tops this season. For something more girly, pair them with feminine, frilly, soft tops like above in left: Derek Lam and right: Zac Posen. I LOVE the Peter Som (whoops! thx, I got too lazy to check!) outfit here, the contrast of the pretty frilly

Tuesday 15 May 2007

MET Fashion II- Poiret: King of Fashion

More on the dresses from the Costume Institute Benefit gala , here are some of the dresses that I was unsure about or are just downright terrible.I KNOW Anna Wintour is the queen of fashion and everything, but this is not a flattering dress on her. She looks weighed down. Especially with the metallic shoulders and looks like part of a body armour.I read that she is actually looking