Sunday 30 November 2008

Elegant or Prom?

My mom recently came back from a wedding in Sydney and she got me a dress. On the phone she made it sound really fabulous, "it is a evening dress in a pale sea green color, that goes just below your knees with a matching shawl/scarf. Everyone, even your dad, thinks it is very elegant and gorgeous!" It never occurred to me that I'd want a pale green dress, but seeing as it IS Christmas, maybe

Saturday 29 November 2008

Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 11/29

Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving weekend and got some great bargains yesterday! With the official start of the holiday season, the markets are also looking a bit brighter. Kind of.On Monday, Citigroup was bailed out from its recent troubles, with a $20 billion capital injection from TARP in exchange for preferred shares and a government agreement to guarantee over $300 billion of

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Happy Turkey Day

While you wait for Thanksgiving dinner, here is something to oogle over.....Happy Turkey day everyone!Image Source: Net a Porter

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Saks Girl

I think I need to convert to Saks girl, because they are officially my favourite department store this season. After having walked through Barneys and Bloomies (judging from the crowd, I assume Neiman Marcus to be the same), I can officially say that Saks is offering the BEST deals this sale season! Earlier this month (when I was pondering over my pink skirt), they had that weekend of extra 40%

Monday 24 November 2008

The "S Dress"

Just because HG is taking a break from blogging doesn't mean that we've stopped overanalyzing fashion in our free time (our gmail chain frequently goes above the 100 limit). Our latest topic of obsession?I like to call it the "S dress," because when HG first showed me, it reminded me of S. And when we showed it to other friends, they also thought it looked like something S would wear. I guess we

Sunday 23 November 2008

ANTM Cycle 11- Spoiler!

At this point, I think I've come to accept ANTM as part of my life. Something I just mindlessly watch when it's on. You must admit, it's a nice indulgence. *spoiler alert*Now that I've "come around" to this way of thinking, my expectations are lower and thus I thought this season's show was not bad! There was a bit of drama, there were pretty pictures, some cool themes (voting booths, award

Friday 21 November 2008

Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 11/21

It's been another exciting week! Almost comparable to that week in September/October, except no major banks collapse (yet) and there were no big mergers. The DOW finally broke the 8000 point after hovering around it for a month, on Wednesday, tumbling 5.1% in a day to yet another more than 5 year new low. The downward momentum continued into Thursday, until it finally went back up to 8000 levels

Gossip Girl, Last Season?

It's a bit of a late rant, but I've had it on my mind for a looong time now and I simply must just get it out of my system. Remeber the episode this season when they went to visit Yale? Serena had on this pink and white striped blazer that is just absolutely gorgeous. The design is classic and preppy, while the color and stripes is pretty and flirty. And I REALLY wanted it. Like seriously. I

Wednesday 19 November 2008

FW08 Winter Hats

Besides the classic newsboy cap, the beanie and the beret, the latest winter hat twist to hit the scene this season are these half hoodies.I first caught sight of them at Marc by MJ (left) and I thought, "whoa it looks like an oversized turtle neck- without the shirt part," and I didn't know what to think of it. In fact, to be honest I still don't. I thought maybe it is an Marc by MJ abberation

Monday 17 November 2008

Winter Berets

It snowed this weekend! Luckily, not the scary blizzard painful kind of snow (not yet anyway), but the movie kind, where they gently flurry down and then disappear as it hits the ground. As pretty as it is though, it is also deceivingly cold. In fact, it is officially freezing out there! A great time to bring out your winter hats to protect your ears from coming off.I was actually excited this

Sunday 16 November 2008

Make It Silver

I like simple things, you may have noticed, and when it comes to jewelry I believe simplicity rules all. And while I do like a bit of gaudiness (that post will come later), I am mostly a strong believer in things that are simple - and silver.The other day I went into George Jensen just to look (with my jaw on the ground). Their items have always caught my eye, they're just very elegant - there

Saturday 15 November 2008

Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 11/15

This week was actually quite eventful.It started off with China announcing a $600 billion fiscal stimulus plan effective from now until 2010, to be spent on infrastructure and social projects. Even this Asia powerhouse is not imperious to the global economic downturn, they are expecting growth to slow down to 8-9% as opposed to the double digit growth in the last 5 years. On the plus side, at

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Wedding Gifts

So next weekend, it is my first cousin's wedding in Sydney. He is the first in my "generation" to get married, so it's kind of big news. Unfortunately I cannot make it to his wedding because I can't take any days off and frankly, there didn't seem to be any point to fly 36 hours to and back for the weekend and spend 12 hours there (as much as I LOVE the excellent seafood in Sydney). So in my

Weak In The Knees

I'm in love.Loeffler Randall captured my heart early last year when I saw a sunshine yellow ruffled bikini. This Fall she has me tied around her finger with her seemingly simple looks, but plays with my emotions with her excruciatingly incredible detail. Yes, her designs are so absolutely amazing that it hurts.I don't know what to do with myself. Look at how immaculate everything is. And this

Monday 10 November 2008

MINT Jodi Arnold

Remember this absolutely darling gray and yellow block dress from this summer?Well the makers of it, MINT Jodi Arnold, are having an online sample sale taking 60% off more genius pieces from today until the end of November. Frankly, we get a lot of emails about these online sample sales etc and we usually whiz pass them, just because there are so many and because they're not always designs that

Sunday 9 November 2008

The New Perspective

I never used to like Mango. I could never find anything that fit properly and just didn't understand the craze (everyone in my high school wore something by Mango). But today I've gained some new found respect for the store. I ventured into the store as a last resort trying to desperately find a dress for a wedding. I came out surprised and happy, it was absolutely perfect. I couldn't believe

Friday 7 November 2008

Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 11/7

It was another turbulent week in the markets.It started off with a rally as election day approached and everyone was filled with hope for change. On Tuesday, America finally voted for our next president- President Barack Obama. Even though the result seemed obvious in the last few weeks, it was still a very exciting day here in Chicago. Everyone in the streets were hyped, retailers like Starbucks

Thursday 6 November 2008

Oh, Kate

Has anyone watched Stylista? I watched the Pilot and all I could see was Tyra Banks making Elle Fashion News Director, Anne Slowey, appear to be an exact copy of Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada. Example: Anne Slowey enters the office by throwing her coat on the receptionists desk...really? It was so utterly unrealistic that all I could do was sigh and skip chunks throughout the

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Loyalty in Design

I'm one of those people that once I find a brand, I stick to it. Then if they change designer I feel betrayed and angered until I find something else to feast my eyes (and empty my pockets) on. But it takes me a while to get over my loss.One brand that I am extremely loyal to is Kookai. I found a simple black dress for a high school formal and I still wear it to this very day. Their cutting

Tuesday 4 November 2008

I want it all and I want it now

Standing five feet eight inches, I'm not that tall. But slap on a pair of 4 inch heels and I will tower over you, which is actually a great feeling; that is until my knees fail, my feet fumble, and suddenly it's impossible to find the ground beneath me. Even with the training of classical ballet in my back pocket, balance (or shall we say off-balance) always gets the best of me.However, in all

Sunday 2 November 2008

Youthful or Sophisticated?

This weekend, I came across a dilemma. I found two very very good bargains and can only get one. Both are 70% and both are very hip this season items. They are also very different however and cannot exactly be compared apples to apples, but here I go trying anyway.I first came across this skirt on the Marc by MJ sales rack at Bloomies. It is not exactly my usual style, and in fact, if I saw this

Saturday 1 November 2008

Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 11/1

It was a good week for the markets this week. The DOW went up 11.3% for the week- the biggest one-week gain since October 1987 (also the time of the last market crash) and it was generally very positive globally too. It's actually kind of strange seeing as there wasn't exactly any positive news coming out this week. The GDP data came out and we are officially in a recession with an annual GDP