Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Before, I didn't really see the need for eyeshadow primers. You see, I bought the Smashbox eyeshadow/lip primer before and it did nothing, absolutely nothing, for me- except maybe reduced the redness of my eyes so then the color appears better. But I can achieve that with a little application of my YSL Touche Elcat. Nevertheless, being the beauty addict that I am, the other day I got the Urban

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Daisy, the Marc by Marc Jacobs Perfume

I'm not a big perfume lover. I spray perfume maybe 10 times a year, usually for nights out. But like most girls, I can't resist browsing at the ever-interesting perfume bottles and sniff all the new scents. There are so many scents that I like, but because of this, I can't possibly buy all the scents I 'like'. Out of all the scents, there's one scent that has grown on me and I have fond memories

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Bold Nail Varnish

Having been a devotee of the pale pink/whitish nail varnish for most of my nail varnish wearing life (seriously, I have about 5 bottles of pale pink varnish in slightly different shades), recently I've finally jumped onto the bandwagon of bold (darker) colored nail varnish. I am not exactly sure what go me into it....perhaps its because everyone on TV has it and since I watch so much TV it has

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Having had a stressful few weeks, I decided to treat myself to a day of guilty pleasures. My top guilty pleasure is sleep. And by that I don't mean the usual 8 hours. I mean sleeping for however long and whenever I want. See, I'm not a morning person. Hence I never feel like waking up in the morning. So this morning (afternoon), I woke up late. And then I went for guilty pleasure number 2......

Friday, 26 October 2007

Curl Your Lashes

Last year, my routine was just tinted moisturiser and blush (on the days I actually wake up on time). This year, I have officially added eyelash curling as the final step. If you have read any top beauty secret lists in magazines, then you would remember that curling your lashes is always one of them. Curled lashes are supposed to make your eyes look bigger, make you look more awake -basically,

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Vivienne Tam Dresses

I am constantly amazed at my mom's ability to be so up to date with the latest going ons in fashion. Her latest discovery are the trendy dresses at Vivienne Tam. Surprising isn't it? I've always related her style as western with oriental influence and wouldn't exactly call it trendy. So when my mom told me she'd bought me a dress from there, I was like, what?Luckily for me, the dresses over at

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Kate Moss Top Shop AW07 and Christmas Collection

Remember back when the Vogue preview of the Kate Moss Top Shop SS07 collection came out and I was really excited about it? Well, since then I have seen the collection in real life, applauded Photoshop's ability to beautify cheap material and lowered my expectations for the clothes. While I really don't like the idea of Top Shop basically recreating some of Kate's designer wonders from her

Monday, 22 October 2007

The Hills Season 3

Season 3 of The Hills is rumoured to be its last season, (because supposedly, Lauren doesn't want cameras to follow her everywhere anymore.) I don't know how many of you watch the Hills or read enough paprazzi to know drama between the characters, but I'm not going to get into it here. Yes, I know the so-called 'reality' isn't quite reality, but sometimes it's just funny watching how dumb and

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Cole Haan Shoes

To be honest, I've never felt much for Cole Haan shoes. They were just one of those classic American brands that I keep getting confused with Kenneth Cole. But walking into the store the other day, drawn by the sales sign, I was quite impressed with their shoe collection this season, especially the ones with their Nike Air cushioning feature. This has probably been around for forever, but I just

Friday, 19 October 2007

Happy Birthday Barneys Girl!

The big 21 -BG is finally legal worldwide! Here are your virtual presents:To kick off your birthday celebration, the purple Rebecca Taylor dress (left) would be perfect for a fancy dinner and the pink Mint Jodi Arnold dress (right) would be so fab and cute for cocktails! These dresses are short enough to be cute and young, yet not too revealing. Gosh, I want them too!Sexy, basic knee-high boots

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Halloween on the Streets

For more inspiration, I turned to the streets. More specifically, celebs and current pop culture icons. First off are Lindsay Lohan's outfits for Halloween 2006. Her aerobics outfit is not bad. And as for the other one...well I guess it IS Halloween and looking slutty is a prerogative. After all, didn't they say in Mean Girls that Halloween was an excuse for girls to look let their slutty side

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Flared Jeans

For the past year, I've been imagining myself in a pair of plain, black, flared jeans and a simple top. For one thing, flared jeans, in my mind, form part of the going-to-college image. Another thing is, even though I've been favouring the long top and straight/ skinny jeans look in the last year or two, I've got short tops that just don't go well with skinny jeans.But apparently, finding a pair

Monday, 15 October 2007

Halloween on the Runway

I've never been much of a dress up for Halloween kind of girl. The last time I did it, I bought a witch hat and put it with the outfit I was wearing- which was a black dress and a denim jacket. Not very inspiring. But since this is my last year of college, I feel like this is my last chance to go all out for Halloween and dress up crazy and everything. With that, I've started to think of what I

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Velvet Torch

All summer long, HG and I have been wondering- where does one go to buy nice cheap but chic dresses to go with all the dress trends that have been so popular recently. I mean, dresses aren't quite the cheapest thing on the menu.So the other day when I was shopping at Nordstrom on my way to pick up a baby gift, I passed by the Juniors section and saw a number of cute dresses. Intrigued I took a

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Tom Ford Sunglasses

I've never been much of a sunglasses girl. Don't get me wrong, I think they look very cool on celebs and most people around me. But personally, I just don't want to spend 300usd on an accessory that I'm going to use probably 5 times a year, (and then it'll probably go out of season.) Which is why I don't pay much attention to sunglasses in general. That is until I got bored shopping one day, I

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Think Pink

Its Breast Cancer Awareness month everyone, so when shopping- think pink! Here are a few of my favourite "pink" things this month that are both stylish and meaningful:To start off with, there is the new running polo from the Pink Pony Collection at RL. To be honest, I would probably have bought it anyway just because I am a fan of polos and the running polo looks interesting. But now, they've

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup IV

Last Paris Fashion Week SS08 post! Gosh, it's been such a busy time of the year I haven't had the time to blog about as many designers' collections as I would like to, but here are the last few collections.Nina RicciThis is one of the shows we've been all waiting for. Olivier Theyskens totally got my attention when he said the theme was on 'a group of girls you'd see on the street in the early

Monday, 8 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week FW07 Wrapup III

Instead of looking at the clothes, for a change, I'm only going to look at the accessories. Admittedly, I don't like Vuitton's new collection and I feel so-so for Miu Miu, but the reason for focusing on accessories is that the accessories are the main selling point to me (and most customers) of these two brands anyways.Louis VuittonOK, for a brand that's supposed to be major bag sellers, these

Friday, 5 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup II

Ah Paris. I usually adore it. But somehow this season, it seems that both of my favourite fashion houses has managed to disappoint me :(ChloeMaybe its because I've never really been much of a fan of Marni even at its height, and thus I fail to appreciate Paulo Melim's efforts over at Chloe. I can see a shadow of the effortlessly chic Chloe girl who was, but its like she has been buried in too

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Paris Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup I

Paris! Exciting week this is. I know some of you aren't fans of fashion shows (or the posts) but I really do need to blog about the shows to let my brain sort out what trends will be coming up. Besides, sometimes it's nice to just stare at pretty clothes...BalenciagaAh, the show we've all been waiting for. This season is all about the flower prints on Balenciaga's bold silhouette. Truth is, when

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Hair Serum

Shiny smooth hair. The best accessorie a girl can have. How do we achieve it? Well, we've been told (and I'm sure all of you have too) that hair serum does the trick by adding shine and de-frizzing, to create a shiny sheen of hair. But how many of you have actually achieved the perfectly shiny and smooth hair look simply by applying hair serum to damp hair and letting it air dry? I know I haven't

Monday, 1 October 2007

Milan Fashion Week SS08 Wrapup III

Phew, I'm tired. I spent the whole day shopping on Michigan Avenue today and ended with a Ruth Chris' dinner -lots of fun! Anyways, last post about this round of Milan shows... Gucci For me, this season's Gucci was a mix of hits and misses. Some outfits were really sleek and gorgeous, while others were just terrible. If there is anything we should learn from this show, it is the makeup -Check out